Trayvon’s Family Might be Required to Pay Zimmerman’s Lost Wages

My friend Lisa Graves, the executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy and the publisher of ALEC Exposed, was on Disrupt with Karen Finney this weekend. Here is a link to the whole show.

I want to share with you a part of the story I haven’t seen anywhere else.

:..if Trayvon’s family does not prevail in a civil suit and this claim is invoked, under that law, they would be required to pay George Zimmerman’s attorney’s fees and lost wages. It would require the victim’s family to pay the killer. And pay for the killer’s wages. That’s the law in over two dozen states in this country now.”

So, for everyone hoping that the Martin family might have a shot at winning a civil case, it’s not going to be easy.

I also want to point out that the Center for Media and Democracy is a GREAT group, I’ve been a fan for decades. They were responsible for getting 33 corporations to leave ALEC by showing them that the disgusting “Kill at Will” laws pushed by the . . . → Read More: Trayvon’s Family Might be Required to Pay Zimmerman’s Lost Wages

The Disgusting Lack of Empathy of Gun Owners of America’s Michael Hammond

Today there was a very calm discussion on guns on KQED’s Forum radio show.

It was exactly what the NRA wanted; a discussion a month after the last big shooting so that the conversational focus can move away from the emotional pain of 20 dead kids. It was all very rational. And that pissed me off.

During the conversation Hammond threw in the perfunctory line, “our hearts and minds go out to the victims of that horrible shooting.” How many times have you heard that line right before they switch to talking about the needs of a small group of entitled, self-indulgent jerks who think their desire to go “pew pew pew” with real army weapons outweighs everyone else’s rights?

Here is the link to the question, his response, the perfunctory line and then the pivot away from the tragedy to his figures on gun deaths in New Hampshire.

I’ve been listening to lots of gun enthusiasts’ podcasts lately. They are desperate to show how this shooting has nothing to do with their obstruction of sane gun laws and gun hawking. If they didn’t personally put the semi-automatic into the person’s hand and said, “Go shoot ’em.” they think they . . . → Read More: The Disgusting Lack of Empathy of Gun Owners of America’s Michael Hammond