The New Giant Sucking Sound…From the East. The Trans-Pacific Partnership

I hope you enjoy my educational, parody video about the Trans Pacific Parternship Scheme.

For more information on the TPP

Urgent Fast Track Trade Deal Alert – Campaign for America’s Future

by Dave Johnson

And Defend the Constitution, say ‘no’ to fast-track authority for Obama

by Cathie Adams, state leader of the Texas Eagle Forum and Jo Ann Fleming, executive director of Grassroots America — We the People.

If the video above doesn’t play on your mobile device or doesn’t load fast enough, here is the YouTube Version.

If you want to sign a quick petition to stop Fast Track for the TPP, you can go here to Credo

For more info see these stories.

1″TPP Leak Confirms the Worst: US Negotiators Still Trying to Trade Away Internet Freedoms,” Electronic Frontier Foundation, Nov. 13, 2013. 2″Five key questions – and answers – about the leaked TPP text,” the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog, Nov. 15, 2013.


I get this question all the time. “Tell me, exactly what is it that you do do?”

From young Frankenstein one of my favorite movies of all time. Watch the whole thing. Still funny after all these years.

Star Rise over San Francisco, Sans Light Pollution

This was not taken on Black Friday! It’s a composite photo from photographer Thierry Cohen illustrating what San Francisco would look like if all its light pollution was removed.

Post Apocalyptic San Francisco is still pretty, but São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro look even better.

He created these composites of 15 cities from around the world. From the site:

He photographs the world’s major cities, seeking out views that resonate for him and noting the precise time, angle, and latitude and longitude of his exposure. As the world rotates around its axis the stars that would have been visible above a particular city move to deserts, plains, and other places free of light pollution. By noting the precise latitude and angle of his cityscape, Cohen is able to track the earth’s rotation to places of atmospheric clarity like the Mojave, the Sahara, and the Atacama desert. There he sets up his camera to record what is lost to modern urban dwellers.

I remember walking in the city after the 1989 Earthquake, going over to the Haight to eat melting ice cream with my friend Carol. The sky was beautiful. There were a few lights, mostly . . . → Read More: Star Rise over San Francisco, Sans Light Pollution

Doorbuster Deaths and Injuries on Black Friday. Tell Retailers, “It’s Time To Stop This Stunt.”

Roughly 2,000 people gathered outside the Wal-Mart’s doors in the predawn darkness.

Chanting ‘push the doors in,’ the crowd pressed against the glass as the clock ticked down to the 5 a.m. opening.

Sensing catastrophe, nervous employees formed a human chain inside the entrance to slow down the mass of shoppers.

It didn’t work.

The mob barreled in and overwhelmed workers.

When the madness ended, 34-year-old Jdimytai Damour was dead and four shoppers, including a woman eight months pregnant, were injured.

– NY Daily News November 2008

This happened at a Long Island Wal-Mart in 2008. The folks at Black Friday Death Count have listed one death this year. A teen driving home from a Black Friday sale in North Carolina. Yes, that could happen to anyone returning from an event that starts at zero dark thirty. But the injuries to an 11 year old girl who was trampled in a Wal-Mart in Ohio wouldn’t have happened were it not for the doorbuster frenzy created by stores like Wal-Mart.

There is a direct correlation to the Wal-Mart employee who was injured in Newport, Arkansas and the Black Friday sale. Wal-Mart spokesperson Diana Gee said the employee had no . . . → Read More: Doorbuster Deaths and Injuries on Black Friday. Tell Retailers, “It’s Time To Stop This Stunt.”

Doorbuster Death at Wal-Mart

#DOORBUSTERDEATH Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede …