Will Armed Terrorists Surround Miami Courthouse Tuesday?

That’s how I’m describing what will happen at the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. US Courthouse. The MSM headline won’t call them terrorists or mention the guns they will be carrying concealed. And the hostage isn’t Trump, it’s counter protestors, “Antifa”, journalists covering the event and law enforcement. They are focusing on some of same targets as January 6th.

The Trump supporters are even busing their supporters in like they did on on January 6th. (It doesn’t look like Charlie Kirk is behind the buses this time, but has anyone talked to Ginni Thomas?)The other hostage is the American public and our sense of feeling safe at protests. When people are armed, deadly violence could happen at any second. It’s not a peaceful protest anymore, it’s a hostage situation. We KNOW that cops prepare for and treat armed people differently, especially those with a history of violence. When the media knows that there will be armed people there, THEY need to talk about this differently. And ask some different questions, like:

Will the FBI be arresting people “left of boom” Monday? There should be arrests! But I don’t expect to hear about them for days, (or ever) . . . → Read More: Will Armed Terrorists Surround Miami Courthouse Tuesday?

The exciting story of Biden’s victory & the GOP’s defeat

I’m just watching SG-1 defeat human and alien villains on PlutoTV today while playing games on my phone.

I don’t want to think or write or move. Yet here I am. Writing. My thought last night was what I said on the Nicole Sandler show while talking about our mutual friend, the late great Joel Silberman. He taught progressive politicians to tell stories that illuminated their message.

Kirk, Joel Silberman and Spocko in A Piece of the Action

There is good news in the world. US job numbers are great. The Economy was not destroyed by GOP, THIS TIME.YET…. As Mrs. Spocko said, the relief that we feel when the GOP didn’t destroy the American and WORLD economy, doesn’t match the worry & anxiety that we have been feeling for weeks.

Celebrating the win is important. But also infuriating when we shouldn’t have been here. ALSO, I get Biden talking about “My friends across the aisle” since his plan worked. The MSM LOVES that bipartisan stuff. But I really want those assholes on the right who brought us here to be stopped. I’d like them to be punished, but that’s not Biden. So let’s look at . . . → Read More: The exciting story of Biden’s victory & the GOP’s defeat

The relief the GOP didn’t destroy the economy, doesn’t match the worry we felt

I’m just consuming science fiction content today while playing games on my phone.I don’t want to think or write or move. Yet here I am. Writing. My thought last night was what I said on the Nicole Sandler show while talking about our mutual friend the late great Joel Silberman

Kirk, Joel Silberman and Spocko in A Piece of the Action

There is good news in the world. US job numbers are great. The Economy was not destroyed by GOP, THIS TIME.YET…. As Mrs. Spocko said, the relief that we feel that the GOP didn’t destroy the American and WORLD economy, doesn’t match the worry & anxiety that we have been feeling.

Celebrating the win is important. But also infuriating when we shouldn’t have been here. ALSO, I get Biden talking about “My friends across the aisle” since his plan worked. But I really want those assholes on the right who brought us here to be stopped. I’d like them to be punished, but that’s not Biden. So let’s look at how to punish them in their role in the insurrection.

Anger is energy. Action is energizing. And Depression is real

I TOTALLy understand why the . . . → Read More: The relief the GOP didn’t destroy the economy, doesn’t match the worry we felt