Qapla! We’ve disrupted the RW radio advertising model

My friends at Media Matters For America put up this video pointing out that Rush Limbaugh is no longer the goose that laid the golden egg. In fact, he hasn’t been for years. It’s news now since he is in contract negotiations. It’s too bad some media outlet won’t dig deeper into what happened to Rush and the AM broadcast radio business. Right wing radio is no longer a safe place for most consumer advertising. How this happened and what it means might be a good story–if they cared to write it.

They could examine the impact of the revenue decline, but also the reasons behind it.

I don’t expect anyone in the media to “follow the money.” since the money raised for political candidates goes into media buys. But if one did, they might find that lowered revenue expectations and dark money are now keeping Rush afloat.

The political press will talk about how powerful Rush still is and how he and his brethren (cistern?) helped bring us the extreme right wing GOP presidential candidates. They can ignore the lost advertisers, since that is not their metric for power.

The business press might write about the advertisers that . . . → Read More: Qapla! We’ve disrupted the RW radio advertising model

How to stop the NRA’s Arm The Teachers Scheme I made this a few years ago trying out some new animation software. Now with states like Georgia trying to put guns on college campuses this can be brought up again. Who insures Georgia campuses?