I Celebrate National Bomb Pop Day & Watermelon Seed Spitting Week

Today is National Bomb Pop Day – June 30, 2022

Photo from the Herron Nest How to have a BOMB POP Party

I loved these as a young space cadet. “The bomb pop man! The bomb pop man!” I’d cry when I heard the music playing and saw the truck coming up the street.

I found out the bomb pop was created in 1955.

“amidst the threat of nuclear warfare, Abernethy and Merritt came up with a frozen treat to cool down temperaments all over the nation. The pop was shaped like a bomb with six fins, hence the name Bomb Pop, and its color scheme reflected the patriotic zeitgeist of America during the Cold War.”

Bomb Pop FAQ.

This week is Watermelon Seed Spitting Week

Watermelon Seed Spitting Week – June 30-July 3, 2022From the Watermelon Seed Spitting Week FAQ

What is the world record for watermelon seed spitting?

The world record for watermelon seed spitting is 75 feet two inches.

Can a watermelon seed grow in your stomach?

Watermelon seeds along with other seeds will simply pass through your digestive system and be removed from your body in a day or two.

. . . → Read More: I Celebrate National Bomb Pop Day & Watermelon Seed Spitting Week

Hey Ohio! Check out these stories of armed teachers’ gun fails!

“Ohio Gov. DeWine signs a bill arming teachers after 24 hours of training” I just reviewed the Ohio Arming Teachers’ bill history & future. It stinks.

“In more than a year of debate on the legislation, witnesses spoke to oppose it more than 360 times, while around 20 people spoke in favor. ” wrote Bill Chappell at NPR. I downloaded pages and pages of testimony. The opponents gave the statistics, they told the stories of the problems and failures. Yet it passed. The gun lobby is still very powerful and knows how to push the right buttons with politicians. They also know how to push the “armed hero saves school kids’ lives” myth into the minds of the public.

I watched what happened with Florida’s Armed Teacher program. The NRA/MAGA crowd went to school boards where we saw bad slogans, incorrect premises and faulty data. They were going up against Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America who had peer-reviewed research, facts and matching t-shirts.

Unless the law can be stopped, we are going to see the same thing happen in Ohio. And it’s going to be a s*** show. Remember parents screaming about CRT & . . . → Read More: Hey Ohio! Check out these stories of armed teachers’ gun fails!

After Parkland the GOP/NRA sold parents on hope with slogans & guns in schools. It failed. What’s their move now?

I’ve been writing about gun violence and how to prevent it for over 15 years. After the Uvalde shooting I went back to revisit to see what I’ve learned and what I think will happen next. I also want to point to some good gun law changes we have made and some messages we can spread about them. The Republicans will push to get more guns in schools following the Uvalde shooting. This is the “do something” that the Republicans can get behind. It builds on the premise that people with guns in school will be able to gun down an active shooter before they kill kids.* Guns are NOT a passive defensive tool like a bullet proof vest. They won’t stop a bullet coming at you. Guns are an active, offensive weapon. This active, offensive role of the “virtuous person with a gun” is what appeals to men who want to actively respond to threats to their property and their families. For them it’s not good enough to passively stop bullets, they want an active component that stops/kills the person who is the threat.

*Of the nearly 200 Post-identified incidents of school gunfire, only once before this . . . → Read More: After Parkland the GOP/NRA sold parents on hope with slogans & guns in schools. It failed. What’s their move now?