3 Potential Mass Shootings Foiled

Good news everybody! Three potential mass shootings foiled!

(CNN) Authorities this weekend announced they had foiled three potential mass shootings after arresting three men in different states who expressed interest in or threatened to carry them out.

All three cases were brought to authorities’ attention thanks to tips from the public.

In the story we learn about these men, how the public told the police about them, what they allegedly said on social media and in text messages and what they were arrested for. They are:

James Patrick Reardon, Ohio. Tristan Scott Wix, Florida. Brandon Wagshol, Connecticut

This is a good thing. So, how will the guns everywhere crowd respond? By not reading the article and screaming about “Pre-crime! 2nd Amendment rights! 400 rounds is not a lot of ammunition!”

And there will also be people who understand both the need to protect the safety of the public and people’s rights and civil liberties.

Read the article, LINK there are some questions unanswered, and there will be challenges in these cases that is to be expected. It’s part of due process and that’s important.

What to note is the gun people will want to push a slippery slope idea when . . . → Read More: 3 Potential Mass Shootings Foiled

Some powerful men do get convicted of sex crimes. Let’s learn from those cases.

We live in a world where powerful men have sexually trafficked women and raped children repeatedly, over years. They employ fixers who use multiple methods to stop victims from obtaining justice.

What can you do? First. Stop thinking the rich and powerful will always win. It’s easy to be cynical when we see the powerful at the top get away with their crimes. But they don’t always.In our system the powerful men’s fixers exploit victim’s lack of equivalent legal, financial and PR resources to prevent justice and to silence the victims. They use the general public’s cynicism, impatience and learned helplessness as a tool. But when you give up hope of men ever coming to justice, you let the child rapists and their protectors win. But they don’t always win.

I’m going to tell you what The Fixers, the people protecting the powerful, will be doing next. By anticipating what each type of Fixer will do, you can set traps and catch them in the act.I’ve written about the Epstein case twice. July 10th Epstein And Trump: The Cover Up And The Child Rape and July 26th, Epstein Found Injured in Jail. Suicide Attempt? Or Attempted “Suicide? As a . . . → Read More: Some powerful men do get convicted of sex crimes. Let’s learn from those cases.

Don’t blame the babies. They don’t know monsters are real.

Newt: My mommy always said there were no monsters – no real ones – but there are, aren’t there?

Ripley: Yes, there are.

Newt: Why do they tell little kids that?

Ripley: Most of the time it’s true.

Nadler demands Kavanaugh’s WH records from 2001-06. Hannity freaks out

On August 6th, Jerry Nadler’s committee wrote The National Archives and Records Administration asking them to produce ALL the White House records from 2001 to 2006 when Kavanaugh served as Staff Secretary and in the White House Counsel’s Office. (Link to letter) Predictably Sean Hannity freaks out and screams “LET… IT… GO.”

LET… IT… GO. https://t.co/Mss0iiHHFB

— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) August 7, 2019

(Hmm, I wonder if he just watched Frozen?)

Rep. Doug Collins, R-Georgia, called it harassment and a fishing expedition. I’m surprised he didn’t call it a witch hunt, I expect that will be coming from Trump.

The people who don’t want evidence to be produced will work to delay release and attempt to block it claiming it was privileged or not relevant. When the new info is released–corroborating other evidence–they will work to reinterpret the smoking gun emails and Kavanaugh’s awareness of them as minor.

Here are more emails. It is simply not ‘normal’ to get real-time insider intelligence from a Democratic “mole” and marked “spying.” Red flags abound. And with 102,000 documents withheld by the Trump WH, mostly about judicial noms, we can bet there’s more. pic.twitter.com/FtbJsahkD7

— Sen. Patrick Leahy (@SenatorLeahy) September 6, 2018

. . . → Read More: Nadler demands Kavanaugh’s WH records from 2001-06. Hannity freaks out