Beck Out At Fox. What it Means.

Today Fox and Glenn Beck’s production company said that Beck, “will be transitioning off his daily Fox News program.”

I’m very happy to hear this (don’t let Bones see me smiling). Beck and Fox are trying to spin this as some kind of, “moving on to greater things” action instead of what it is; a big defeat for them and huge win for us. Beck is going off the air at Fox because of a successful, sustained action to convince advertisers that Beck is bad for their brand.

The folks at Color of Change and Angelo Carusone of @stopbeck (now directing the DropFox program at Media Matters) did all the heavy lifting in this work and I hope that the media covering this story will talk to them about it. However, knowing the media as I do, I doubt it.

The media will talk to a Beck spokesperson, a Fox spokesperson and some “expert” who has no real knowledge of the real financial situation at Fox, who will dismiss it as no big deal since Murdoch is still richer than God and NewsCorp made their projected numbers. Later this year John Stewart will have Beck on the show when he . . . → Read More: Beck Out At Fox. What it Means.

What to get me for my birthday

I wonder why there are no "Red Shirt" robes? Nobody to wear them?

Spotted at WonderCon in SF via Available from Robe Factory