Central Park Karen Loses Lawsuit Against Former Employer

Remember the woman who called the police on a black man who was bird watching? You probably saw the clip when it went viral. Her company saw it, investigated it and fired her. She then SUED the company for defamation. Well, SHE LOST the case.I want to use this story to illustrate how the RW responds when someone finally faces justifiable negative consequences for their words and actions. They have learned to flip the script and will try to convince everyone that they are the REAL victims. They aren’t. We need to anticipate their use of this strategy, point it out when it is used, then refocus on the harm they have caused to actual victims as we seek justice.

This is good example of how the RW always has to be the victim EVEN after they face justifiable negative consequences for their actions. The good news is because there was DUE process and an investigation when they fired her, the company was on solid ground and proved even MORE so that she was fired for a justified cause.This is why I was talking about giving the people making threats a chance to do the right thing before . . . → Read More: Central Park Karen Loses Lawsuit Against Former Employer