Spocko on Musk’s Twitter Takeover from Dumb to Dangerous: ‘BradCast’ 12/14/2022

Spocko talks about Elon Musk on the Bradcast

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Musk’s Twitter Takeover Turns from Dumb to Dangerous: ‘BradCast’ 12/14/2022 Guest: Media activist (and Musk’s former corporate PR trainer!) ‘Spocko’

Brad Friedman

Okay. All right. And does we can do that music here and then if we need to break it up and post if need be. Okay, everybody ready? All right, here we go. Everybody’s heard about the bird. The bird is the word in this case, a bird in question is otherwise known as Twitter, which everyone has heard about by now. I think if they hadn’t prior to six weeks ago? Well, they certainly have by now it’s hard to escape conversation about it, frankly. And believe me, I have tried. Welcome back to the Brad cast Brad Friedman from Brad blog.com. To be honest, because it is all frankly so stupid and grotesque. Well, I have been following as much as I can stomach regarding Elon Musk’s $44 billion takeover of Twitter in recent weeks. I haven’t covered much on the show here. It’s all largely an ill advised and even accidental because he tried to get out of the dumb . . . → Read More: Spocko on Musk’s Twitter Takeover from Dumb to Dangerous: ‘BradCast’ 12/14/2022

Factory Owner Reinstates Employees Fired For Unleashing Toxic Gas

Elon Musk has unbanned the guy who runs The Daily Stormer

Andrew Anglin, Neo-Nazi Twitter User restored by Elon Musk. Notice how he positions himself as the victim in advance?

Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin, who was booted off Twitter in 2013, has had his account restored. Right Wing Watch is a part of the Southern Poverty Law Center

Factory owner welcomes back employees fired for intentionally spreading toxic gas

I’m imagining a “community meeting” where the factory owner has to explain his decisions to the community who has been hurt in the past and could be affected again in the future because of the owners decision. I was going to make this a press conference, but cunning factory owners know how to deal with the media. Public: Aren’t you worried they will do it again?Factory Owner: I have robots in place that will suspend them if they put out toxic gas again.Public: Why risk it? Why allow them a chance?FO: (Answer for public) They will make tons of gases daily but only a small percent <.01% will unleash toxic gas.

Also many useful gases are toxic, but we control them with safety measures. (Answer for investors: . . . → Read More: Factory Owner Reinstates Employees Fired For Unleashing Toxic Gas

Here’s how Musk will try to weasel out of his promises to Apple and the EU

The Matt Binder Doomed Podcast had on a great guest, Alejandra Caraballo, talking about Twitter and the harm that Musk is causing people with his actions. I called in during the after show to talk about efforts to pressure him and what he is doing to avoid negative consequence. Since then a few things have happened. Musk took a walk with Tim Cook at Apple and had a video call with the EU commissioner. I talked about them on the Nicole Sandler Show.

I’m going to break down what’s happening and what we can do besides popping popcorn and cackling.Musk makes promises to people who can help him be successful. And those who can thwart his success. Early on at Twitter it was big advertisers. When he didn’t deliver what he promised he said: “I don’t need you advertisers anyway!” (But behind the scenes he is still talking with them and asking them to give him a shot. “Think of all the people you will reach!” ) When Twitter Blue was a disaster he pulled it and is trying to fix it so he won’t have to rely on advertisers. (Behind the scenes he knows that Twitter Blue . . . → Read More: Here’s how Musk will try to weasel out of his promises to Apple and the EU