How to use social media to help enforce vaccination mandates

On Chris Hayes’ show he discussed how the Republicans are fighting Biden’s vaccine requirements and why.

Incentives don’t work. Mandates work. These people are behaving like irrational children and therefore what do you do with children? You have to what’s best for children. Now a right winger watching this will say, “Look at that paternalistic, tyrannical person on MSNBC!” But that is the reality in a public health crisis going all the way back to George Washington.

Mehdi Hasan, All In with Chris Hayes 9-20-2021

I’ve developed 6 steps people can take to help make the vaccine mandates happen using the power of social media, existing national corporate HR policies, Federal OSHA reporting methods and local news coverage of the conflict over mandates. 1) Find videos and social media stories of people publicly saying, “I won’t get vaccinated!” Look for them at school board meetings, protests or of people in public places telling others about their intent.2) Alert their employer via email, Facebook and Twitter. Let the company know you will be filing a complaint with *OSHA (I’ll do a piece on the process and issues of contacting OSHA later, but from “anyone who knows about a workplace . . . → Read More: How to use social media to help enforce vaccination mandates

DeJoy was sued by his brother for hiding his mail & millions from him

I wrote this in Sept 2020.DeJoy is still the postmaster General! My  friend Lisa Graves testified Monday in front of the House Subcommittee on Government Operations Hearing on “Postal Update.” “I am calling on Mr. DeJoy to be fired or resign,”  government watchdog Lisa Graves told lawmakers on Monday morning, during a briefing on postal operations before the House Oversight Committee. True North Research, the organization Graves heads, found that DeJoy — who runs a North Carolina shipping firm — had been sued by his brother Dominick for allegedly siphoning money from the trucking company founded by their father.  –– Alexander Nazaryan  Yahoo News .

A boy like that he’ll cheat his brother. Fire that boy and hire another!

Lisa’s an expert on vetting people and she found out that the Board of Governors missed some doozies.  Like this one she uncovered, ( Bloomberg) DeJoy Gave $600,000 to GOP After Postmaster Job Opened Up DeJoy  gave President Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee more than $600,000 over eight weeks after the opening was announced, Lisa Graves, executive director of True North Research, which investigates the influence of money on public policy, said in written testimony submitted to . . . → Read More: DeJoy was sued by his brother for hiding his mail & millions from him

How do we get anti-maskers & anti-vaxxers to be logical and save lives?

I’ll admit it. I’m angry at anti-vaxxers and anti maskers. They are messing up our lives and plans. Yet only their anger is covered by the media? We get stories about how our officials are “frustrated” and “saddened” by their failure to get vaccinated. Where are the stories of our anger toward these “vaccine deniers and right wing loonies”?

What is bizarre to me is that the Anti-maskers are the ones showing rage. What are THEY so angry about? We are the ones whose lives they are f***ing up.I'm having a hard time finding stories of successful prosecutions of these anti-vaxers who threaten violence against others.

— Spocko (@spockosbrain) September 8, 2021

I don’t want to be like the right wing, screaming and threatening those who aren’t wearing masks or getting a vaccine. And I don’t want to inappropriately use the law like they have been doing with their Texas abortion ban. But I’m pissed and I want people punished for the harm they are causing.

What can I do to satisfy my need for an emotional catharsis without becoming a screaming banchee? I’ve been watching Unforgotten, a British murder mystery show about . . . → Read More: How do we get anti-maskers & anti-vaxxers to be logical and save lives?