Come on folks, Uncle Buck up!

Today’s announcement about Kennedy retiring was rough. But it gives us yet another reason to work hard to make changes. First an inspirational speech from one of my favorite coaches.

Then, something to be inspired by. Watch Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez React to Winning Democratic Primary

John Candy was the best coach. He was a great exercise coach. I still remember working out to The Johnny LaRue Exercise show on SCTV. Check it out.

The SWATTING of Hogg, Kasky and Chadwick is a crime of violence

Following the SWATTING of the Parkland students Hogg, Kasky and Chadwick I was expecting to read about lots of democratic politicians condemning the SWATTING and pointing out that these are not “pranks” or “hoaxes” but dangerous acts that have led to deaths and need to be addressed as such.

What I found out, and what most people don’t know, is that SWATTING is a misdemeanor in many states. I don’t know if the SWATTING of Hogg, Kasky and Chadwick, fits under 7026, the new Florida school safety law, but if it does, then it’s a class 2 felony. See section 1362 below. The problem is that these cases might turn on how prosecutors interpret the act of SWATTING combined with the intent of the callers, and that might not be known until after suspects are arrested.

I think that SWATTING needs to be taken much more seriously, especially following the case of Tyler Barriss, the man behind the fatal Wichita swatting case.

Read what the government called the act in a brief from the government’s case against another SWATTer, Mir Islam

“Swatting is, in fact, a crime of violence. It is an assault with a deadly weapon in which . . . → Read More: The SWATTING of Hogg, Kasky and Chadwick is a crime of violence