Honor the #COVID19 dead, then prosecute their killers

A man protests Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic on 23 April. Photograph: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Why is no one trying to prosecute DJT for deaths that can be directly tied to actions he took that led to people getting infected and dying from COVID19? I’ve listed a number of reasons below and what is interesting to me is how often people on the left accept the reasons prosecution won’t happen. There are also many who think that prosecution isn’t a reasonable action to be pursued.

I hear: “It’s a waste of time, energy and political capital. He’ll weasel out of it. His base doesn’t care.” Then finally I hear the grim acceptance of failure, “What’s the point? He’ll never serve a day in jail.”

So here’s a list of just some of these reasons there is no prosecution followed by “What if I could meet this objection?” For each of these reasons I have a specific case in mind that would meet the objection, but i’m not including a link. I know each answer will lead to other objections, but I want people to image that someone could provide an ANSWER to those objections . . . → Read More: Honor the #COVID19 dead, then prosecute their killers

Rep. Thompson: Investigate the Secret Service & Trump’s deadly COVID rallies

I learned many troubling things about the Secret Service from Carol Leonnig’s book and during her virtual book interview with Michael Krasny hosted by Book Passage (Video link) (Where I purchased her book.)

I’ve written about my concern about the spreading of COVID from Trump’s rallies starting in June with: Trump’s Contact Tracing Failure I pointed out that the people at Trump’s rallies were suicide bombers. But because of Trump’s contact tracing failure we may never know how many they infected and killed.

In August, after Herman Caine died following the Phoenix rally, I wrote: How To Use The Deadly Results Of Trump’s Rallies Against The RNC I showed how the Trump Campaign avoided proof Trump’s rallies are deadly.

Then in November, when we had proof the rallies spread COVID, I wrote Rallies Led To 30K COVID Cases, 700 Deaths. Make Trump Pay For Holding Them I suggested multiple ways to make the Trump Campaign at least pay a FINANCIAL price for holding their rallies. I even tryed to get cities like Omaha who got stuck with big rally bills to get paid by the Campaign. (As far as I know they STILL haven’t been paid!)

At the time . . . → Read More: Rep. Thompson: Investigate the Secret Service & Trump’s deadly COVID rallies

We Must Defeat 2 Vicious Viruses

I’ve been a fan of animated science explainers since “Hemo the Magnificent*” so of COURSE I was going to love this explainer video by Dr. MarkAlain Dery, an infectious disease physician, and Dr. Eric Griggs, a community health specialist. Watch as they journey inside the human body to explain COVID-19 vaccines!

It has the whole Fantastic Voyage “tiny humans in a body” action which I love. It gives visuals for people to lock onto to understand what is happening with the MRNA vaccines. If you want more details watch him on the Majority Report. He answers a lot of questions about what is happening with the vaccines and discusses why we might be needing booster shots.

I’m a huge fan of Dr. Dery because he talks about the science behind viral epidemics and ALSO how society responds to them.

. . . → Read More: We Must Defeat 2 Vicious Viruses

My response to Playteau criticizing my article on getting video of a defeated Trump

A response to my article Where’s The Video Of Trump Admitting Defeat To Biden?

I wrote about how we need to get video evidence of Trump, under oath, admitting his defeat to Biden. Then we rub it in the faces of his supporters. Here’s a link to my comment but I’m reproducing this here because comments sections sometimes go away.

Playteau May 7 Fantasyland hippie sh*t. Delete this dumbass article. I mean really, who the f*ck you kidding? Who snorted some Adderall and cooked this absolutely ridiculous article up?

Please stop treating this sh*tbag traitor like anything less than a Russian asset. That status didn’t magically go away on January 20th.

My god. Smoke meth before you write stupid sh*t like this so you have an excuse, you’re just embarrassing yourself. “Proof” is not something the knuckledraggers are concerned with, or have you not been paying attention for decades?

So, it’s the morning and I’ve read all the comments. I’ve seen a number of people who think i’m naive. I’ve addressed that by pointing out that my piece is a starting place. I did acknowledge how the base would respond, and if they had read the piece they would . . . → Read More: My response to Playteau criticizing my article on getting video of a defeated Trump

Where are the photos of a defeated Trump lunching with Biden?

Anyone else notice there are no photos of Biden with Trump since he lost the election? Trump doesn’t want anyone to see photographic proof he was beaten by Biden & that’s he’s a loser.

I think @VP Harris should set up a lunch with Trump to show he was beaten by Biden & a woman!

One of the constructs in the mind of right wingers is the correct way to treat your defeated opponents to prove your manliness. You make them grovel. You boast. You point at them and laugh like Nelson Muntz. HA HA! I won! You lost! It’s what CONAN the Barbarian says is best in life.

In video game parlance it’s teabagging your opponent. (I just found out that teabagging dated back to 1985 NWA World Championship wrestling which makes it even more on brand for Trumpsters. )

Trump has made it clear that he holds grudges and is vindictive. I still remember Richard Branson talking about his lunch with Trump. Apparently he spent the whole time talking about how he was going to spend the rest of his life destroying the people who didn’t help him get out of bankruptcy. (I wonder who those people . . . → Read More: Where are the photos of a defeated Trump lunching with Biden?