Did Tony Ornato help TFG plan the coup? Or just cover up the Secret Service’s role in it?

I’ve had my eye on Tony Ornato since the Tulsa coronavirus rally on June 20th 2020. (link)

Last year I wrote @BennieGThompson & said"Tony Ornato, Trump's former Deputy Chief of Staff & current Secret Service Assistant Director needs to be investigated by the House Cmte on Homeland Security for breaking state & Federal reporting laws. Do it now! https://t.co/RIv7alyg9u

— Spocko (@spockosbrain) July 22, 2022

I think Tony Ornato and members of the Secret Service helped with the coup. Specifically they used their foreknowledge of where Pence would go following a violent attack on the Capitol to position a specific driver in the secure location.

Tony Ornato, star of United States Secret Service: On the Frontline (2018) Donald Trump with the head of his protection detail, Tony Ornato, in the documentary United States Secret Service: On the Frontline (2018)

They knew the procedure for Pence when he arrived at the secure location–take him off-site.

“at the White House, Pence’s national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, was making a similar argument to Ornato. Ornato indicated that the Secret Service planned to move Pence to Joint Base Andrews.

“You can’t do that, Tony,” Kellogg said, . . . → Read More: Did Tony Ornato help TFG plan the coup? Or just cover up the Secret Service’s role in it?

Marcy Wheeler discusses DOJ’s investigation of the Insurrection with Brad Friedman, @theBradblog podcast 7-14-2022

This was a great interview. It made me feel better about what the DOJ has been doing. Especially after listening to Rachel Maddow reading the memo from Merrick Garland on Monday, July 18th talking about the DOJ being careful during election years. Because I thought the whole interview was great I made a clip and then used Otter’s AI to transcribe all 45 minutes of her interview. I reviewed it all , but there still might be some things that aren’t perfect, so here is a link to the entire show.

Marcy Wheeler @emptywheel

Marcy of course has details on Emptywheel.net. Here is the link to her piece listing some of the investigations into various characters in the January 6th insurrection. WHAT DOJ WAS DOING WHILE YOU WERE WASTING TIME WHINGING ON TWITTER

Reupping this GREAT @emptywheel interview on @TheBradBlog https://t.co/iVTxRYOf7TI feel better about DOJ's progress now. I learned how much evidence the DOJ has from Rudy's phones. He's doomed.The DOJ has enough evidence to charge TFG, they just need a couple more pieces. pic.twitter.com/5x63E802km

— Spocko (@spockosbrain) July 19, 2022

"I think Weissman is not even remotely familiar with the investigation. eg. Sidney Powell . . . → Read More: Marcy Wheeler discusses DOJ’s investigation of the Insurrection with Brad Friedman, @theBradblog podcast 7-14-2022