Did you notice Epstein’s child sex trafficking case sounds like Pizzagate?

I’m sure others have noticed that the actual Epstein child sex ring sounds a lot like the Pizzagate made up story. Why might this be?

If I knew of an *ACTUAL” sex-trafficking ring involving powerful people that I couldn’t cover up totally, I’d instead swap details and direct it to patsies. Then, when it is proven false, people would stop looking for the sex trafficking OR assume all such stories are over blown and it was “just another conspiracy theory”. That’s what I would do if I was a master at sowing discord via social media. Like the folks at the Internet Research Agency in Russia.

“Proponents of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory falsely claimed that the emails contained coded messages referring to human trafficking and connecting several U.S. restaurants and high-ranking officials of the Democratic Party with an alleged child sex ring involving the restaurant and pizzeria Comet Ping Pong, located in Washington, D.C.” Wikipedia

Let me rewrite this about the Epstein case based on what we know now:

The Epstein case has evidence from emails, phone logs, plane logs and dozens of witness interviews of human trafficking, child rape and molestation connecting several high-ranking officials of the Republican party, Democratic party, international bankers and British royalty. It has been confirmed that a child sex ring operated out of residences owned and occupied by Jeffery Epstein in Palm Beach, New York, The US Virgin Islands and a ranch in New Mexico.

It is not clear if any restaurants were involved.  -Spockopedia

 Edgar M. Welch, a 28-year-old father of two from Salisbury, N.C., recently read online that Comet Ping Pong, a pizza restaurant in northwest Washington, was harboring young children as sex slaves as part of a child-abuse ring led by Hillary Clinton.

Not long after arriving at the pizzeria, the police said, he fired from an assault-like AR-15 rifle. The police arrested him. They found a rifle and a handgun in the restaurant. No one was hurt.
There is a reason that Epstein’s lawyers, fixers, moles and cronies didn’t want this story to make the papers.

The conspiracy was directed at the Clintons and Democrats, since they were the ones certain powerful players didn’t want to win. As of this week we now have evidence that the Seth Rich lie was planted by the Russians. Maybe we will find out they planted Pizzagate too.

When you have captured the minds of some people they just keep going. From March 2017
‘Pizzagate’ protest stakes out in front of the White House  

“I don’t have any doubt that Pizzagate is real,” said Kori Hayes, an attendee from Middleburg, Fla., according to the Washington Post. “But nothing is being said about it.” Hayes and her family were the ones wearing the Pizzagate shirts.

I wonder if they will print up EpsteinGate shirts?

Kori Hayes and her family wore Pizzagate shirts to the rally. (Photo courtesy of Kristen h, via Twitter)

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