The size of the financial judgement against Rudy Giuliani should come tomorrow. The first question people will have is. “Will he pay?” The rich have lots of tricks to avoid paying. Here’s a bit of good news from Barb Mcquade.
“Intentional torts, like defamation, are NOT dischargeable in bankruptcy.
And so it may be that Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss are able to chase Rudy Giuliani to his grave to catch every penny they can out of his pockets.”
barb Mcquade

Do you think #RudyGiuliani will declare bankruptcy & never pay?
You should know that “intentional torts, like defamation, are NOT dischargeable in bankruptcy. And so it may be that Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss are able to chase Rudy Giuliani to his grave to catch every penny they can out of his pockets.”
@BarbMcQuade on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell
The size of these judgements are MEANT to send a message. But if Rudy (or Alex Jones) gets out of paying for the harm they have caused that sends a message too. I’m hoping that tomorrow that MSNBC has on some experts to talk about the tricks the rich use and how to bust them.

“And remember, the jury is going to be asked, not only what are the compensatory damages, how have they been actually hurt, but what punitive damages? What do you need to do to send a message to Rudy Giuliani and others like him to prevent this from happening again?” Andrew Weissmann
#RudyGiuliani #Defamation case of #RubyFreeman & #ShayeMoss