Wednesday, February 09, 2005

WE aren't the ones with the "gay" problem

Over at Ntodd's blog (Dohiyi Mir) I comment on the Gannongate affair and respond to a excellent followup post by Ellroon:

I think Ellroon is on point here. And of course we won't say "it's about the Gay porn/gay military prostitution website!" it is really about him getting a CIA classified document from the White House (see Americablog for more details on this, and for a good time line see this Daily Kos link from diaryist spiderleaf) which was then used to suggest that the reason that Joe Wilson got the job was NOT because of his qualifications, but because his wife works for the CIA and put him in for the job.

1) The CIA said that was NOT the reason. Wilson was VERY qualified; in fact one of the MOST qualified guys to do the research.
2) "Jeff Gannon" is on the list of Plamegate witnesses because he got his supposed secret memo about Wilson from someone connected in the White House or CIA or someone pretending to be from the CIA. Where did this memo come from? Who gave it to him? This person is clearly part of the effort to discredit Wilson, which was pay back for Wilson not playing ball on WMDs and yellowcake. And that payback caused the outing of a CIA undercover agent. The Whitehouse got busted on outing Plame, they were doing damage control by giving this memo to Gannon as a way to get the story out there that Wilson has no credibility. The White House procedure in these matters is to destroy the source of any bad news. First they tried to destroy and punish Wilson by outing his wife. When they were caught doing a bad thing they tried to pretend "everyone knew she was really an Agent so we really didn't out anyone." When that didn't work, or concurrent to that, they tried to discredit Wilson in any way possible.

That is the problem. People can say:

  • "What about his fake name?" Really no big deal. His SSN was there somewhere to be used for a background check. I use a fake name too, but if I got vetted I'd have to give my real name for checking. I don't think the White House would insist he use his real name. (I know you are shocked that Spocko is not my real name!)

  • "He's not really a journalist!" Neither are the people at Fox and a bunch of other chicken shit corporate reporters.

  • "He's gay! He's behind some gay porn websites! He might have acted as a male prostitute!" Okay, now we are talking about the real distasteful stuff to the Republicans. WE don't have a problem with it, but they can't admit THEY if fact DO have a problem with it. They still have to please all their gay-hating Christian's. They preach "morals" and the whole anti-gay agenda. THEY are the ones who might get upset at this, but they can't ADMIT IT!

Watch how Rush and Hannity will spin this. I know their tricks They will:
1) Minimize it and say:
2) "I don't see how the Democrats should have a PROBLEM with this--I thought they liked gays! It's the democrats who are being hypocritical!"

I happen to know the process to get credentialed for the White House press briefing. It requires your name your SSN and the organization you work for. Then to get into the White House Presidential briefing you also need to be admitted by the White House Press Correspondents Association. They are gatekeepers. THEY must also bear some responsibility for Gannon in the briefing. Now the SS might do background checks on the real SSN of Mr. Gannon. They would find some things, but I don't know how deep their research is. They are more concerned with nutballs with a history of violence. If he didn't show that, but in fact has a history of doing a bunch of gay porn, I don't think that would have shown up. Sloppy yes, a danger to Scotty or the President? No.

So. to sum up:
Just like during the Clinton thing when they SAID it was about "lying under oath" when it was really about sex. We should say, "It's about his roll in outing Valeria Plame, not his Gay Porn website or his fake name or his military gay escort service (which we don't even know if he ever did anything more than register the domains in an effort to sell them to someone else.) If you've read my blog you know that I don't have a problem with anything gay. I DO have a problem with "Gannon's" roll in outing Valeria Plame and the destruction of a fine man who tried to tell the truth to the American Public and the White House. Remember, Wilson's report showed that the adminstration's story line that, "Iraq's trying to build a nuke, with yellowcake from Niger!" was a LIE.

“Gannon” caved, that is the problem. He is a weak link. The White House needs to get to him to shut him up. They should have told him: "Just tough it out Jeff. Don't roll on us and you will be fine. If you roll we will abandon you as fast as we abandoned O’Neill and all the other traitors. They haven't touched Cheney and others involved with Plame and they have done worse things. If you do roll we will make you the scapegoat for the whole thing.”

He should have toughed it out. By caving he draws more attention to himself and the issue. He has not learned that the way things work with bad stuff in this White House is just deny, diminish, delay and then re-position.


ellroon said...

I'm afraid your take on this will be right on target. (You've been involved in politics for a living? You have a nice perspective on it.)

When I posted, I wasn't aware of his full history and connection to the Plame affair. The Rovian thing would be to blame Gannon for all of it, several birds with one stone. Will Gannon talk before they threaten him? Or frame him?

Like your four Rovian rules: deny, diminish, delay and then re-position. If we could just break the defensive process just once, the entire house of cards would come down.

11:06 PM  

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