Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Success! Aetna Insurance: "We no longer advertise on that program."

From: "ZZZZ, XXXX"
Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2006 2:48:36 PM
Subject: RE: Radio Advertisement (please forward to advertising department)

Mr. XXXXXX - Thank you for your email on this matter. While Aetna's advertisements do not constitute an endorsement of content in or on any program or publication in which we advertise, we appreciate your perspective. We no longer advertise on that program. Best, XXXXX XXXXX

A few things to note about this letter. The phrase used was designed to help them avoid any responsibility for content. It is a standard boilerplate phrase used by sponsors on controversial programs. And I understand WHY they worded it this way. Unlike Lee Rodgers, I don't threaten them if they decide they want to leave for whatever reason they choose. The important words to note: We no longer advertise on that program.

Now I also want to point out the past tense and lack of a reason for no longer advertising. This again is intentional. Why? So if they are questioned (threatened?) by Lee Rodgers for pulling their ads, they can say, "Hey we just did it because of low ratings!" Why might they do that? Because they don't want to be threatened by Rodgers or insulted by Melanie Morgan, arguably the most powerful woman in California radio and one of the most powerful people in California politics. Sponsors would want to avoid her ire and insults. What do I mean? Her comment from January 12, 2007

If there are sponsors who listen to these idiots, and I'm not sure there are, despite what they say," asserted Morgan, "but if that's the case, I know who it would be. It would be some craven little time buyers at an advertising agency someplace who have no guts whatsoever."

If I was Aetna and I listened to my customers (or idiots as Morgan calls them), I would NOT want to face the wrath of Ms. Morgan who was responsible for bringing down Governor Grey Davis, (incidentally costing him his livelihood).

Melanie Morgan is very smart, very articulate and very powerful.

This letter enables spokespeople for Aenta (or the craven little time buyers at their agency as Morgan calls them) to now say, "Please don't unleash your listeners on us Mr. Rodgers! Please don't talk bad about us on your radio show Ms. Morgan. We know you broadcast to hundreds of thousands of people on the public air waves and use your one Million member Move America Forward email list to direct people to action. So please don't use all your broadcast power and the power of your charitable organization, Move America Forward, to call us names."

I see that Aetna was smart how they walked away. Hopefully they won't suffer consequences from KSFO listeners if Rodgers decides to tell them to boycott Aetna(something that *I* never tell my readers to do). I don't now know Morgan will use the Move America Forward members. She has used them in the past for lots of activities, so we'll just have to wait and see.


Blogger HopeSpringsATurtle said...

Good on ya Spocko..Hope you feel better soon.

7:56 PM  
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