Friday, November 18, 2005

My submission made Boing Boing!

I should really encourage myself to be funnier on my own blog. I see think and say funny stuff a lot (well at least I think they are funny), but when it comes time to translate it to the blog I often over think and overwrite it (kind of like now!) But I submitted two "items" last night and one made it onto

Xeni's title for my item was "Pervy his 'n' hers keyholders" (I just thought they were funny, hmmm, what does that say about me?)

The other was a sighting of Tony Shalhoub from the TV series "Monk" in San Francisco and the availability of the Obsessive Compulsive Action Figure at Cardology on Post St. in the Crocker Galleria. I'm posting it above because I might get some traffic from Boing Boing and I'd like people to go to the shop and buy stuff. The people are really nice there and deserve your retail dollars for gifts, cards and stationary (they do all that kind of wedding invitations, business invites and special printing stuff).

The store is Mr. Spocko approved!


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