Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Dell HEAVEN: In which I Try To Protect NTodd from a Lawsuit or Worse

NTodd noticed this story about Dell Computer problems from the AP. But he obviously didn't read the Forbes story about how corporations will be going after bloggers who complain about their products (using the GOP tactic of attacking the person not the underlying issue). So I've tried to help him out by disagreeing with him on his blog in the comments section. Then when the Dell people try and shut him down, NTodd will be able to say, "But my blog provides a forum for people to SUPPORT your company! This post shows that I am not the only voice on this matter and I provide a place for regular people (not to mention the PR people hired by corporations to place comments or ads in my blog) to support the companies products. And since Dell has shut down their forums for users comments, they need a place to go -- hot cutting edge blogs, like "Dohiyi Mir"

Here is the comment I put in his blog: (Luckily I'm a g-tier blogger so they probably won't read my post here.)

You just shut your cakehole Mr. Man! The corporations will track you down and sue your ass!

That is the good advice they got from Forbes in their "Bloggers ATTACK!" story and so you better retract your comments. I'M WAITING...

Personally I think that the problems with the laptop are related to you and your use of the Dell (r) laptop . Did you check for dog and cat hair clogging the cooling vents? No. You did not. Did you check to ensure smooth, sweet even power was flowing into your laptop? No. You did not. You simple plugged your laptop into any random outlet like Tom Sizemore's penis into any skanky woman who offers herself.

You are to blame Mr. Man. NOT THE LAPTOP COMPANY. Dell is a glorious company and there is nothing wrong with what they do or how they do it as long as people use the products exactly as they are intended.

If you don't like their products go buy something else like an IBM Thinkpad NOT MADE BY THE CHINESE! (just get one that was made before they sold out to Lenovo which I think is owned by Jay Leno, he's a comedian NOT a laptop maker by the way!)

Dell computers are made in Micheal Dell's very own house! Michael Dell is a great man, an intelligent man and a man for all seasons. If Michael Dell didn't exist we would have to invent him.

You are just lucky I came here to show you the light on your blog, otherwise your website would be shut down quicker than you can say ISO 9001 approved manufacturing facility!

Nuff said!


ntodd said...

"Protect" me? Right. You're one of them Third Party Bashers, hired by Michael Dell himself, aren't you? AREN'T YOU?!

2:29 PM  
PTCruiser said...

I think he's a conspirator who is trying to undermine the fabric of this great nation. How dare you question the manufacturer's of American products. What are you, anyway, a communist sympathizer or something??

7:23 PM  

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