Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Their Time is Over

Well some time tonight I think a story about this issue will hit the wires. I don’t know what it will say, probably something like, “KSFO issues challenge to blogger, calls him a coward for not identifying himself, demands he submit for bullying on the radio for his sins of letting “Our Advertisers Hear What We Were Broadcasting”.

And it will probably suggest something like “A Very Special Episode” of Blossom of KSFO take place on their turf. Where they will bluster and attack and use either the “We were JUST Joking” or how I was so mean and “it’s all out of context” and you MUST LISTEN to the entire SHOW to understand. Right. Always remember, they “control the box” in this venues and they’ve had 10 years to practice. I’m named after a fictional character on a defunct TV show, a brain in a box. Which one of us is the professional verbal bully?

It is their advertisers they need to apologize to for not respecting the hard work they all put into their brands. Those marketers and ad reps and PR folks who busted their humps to make their product stand out only to be trashed by being next to this “Hot Talk.” Some will still choose to stay. Fine. It’s their choice.

But here’s the thing. From now on, for the rest of this station’s time in this format they will always be “that station” and a little asterisk* will be next to their name in computers of the hard working media buyers and savvy ad agency’s around the world to tell them, “Be careful who you put on This Station. This one is not like the others.”

There will always be a market for this kind of “entertainment”, it won’t go away. Some people need to get in touch with their “inner Archie Bunker” to be happy. That's fine, free speech and all that, but maybe, just maybe it won’t be a safe place for some advertisers to hang out in the future.

I’m not out of the woods yet, I know how the rightwing bloggers think and operate, they will be attacking and sock puppetting this all over the net with their VERY SERIOUS concerns. They will do what bullies always do. Watch for it. And then ask, what does that say about them. Who acts like that? Who attacks like that?

I’ve been called a hero. I’m not a hero, a hero is a journalist in the middle-east working his or her ass off to tell a story that might cost them their life. Consider donating to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

My button for donations is on the right. It’s the button for PayPal right under Spocko's United Reserves Against Killing of Journalists and Liberals (Hey that spells out SURAK, of JAL wow what a coincidence!), and I put it up only at others’ insistence, but if you don’t have money, your kind words are welcomed too.

I’m going to be out all day tomorrow because contrary to rumors on the Internets, I don’t sit in front of my monitor all day in my Homer Simpson underwear (although I would really love a pair, NTodd should look into getting a pair too). So I’m hoping that Team Spocko, and my friends and associates from the Spocko’s Brain Irregulars can keep an eye on this story and gently, politely help it stay on track.

The time of this kind of Talk Radio is over.

For the rest of you? Live Long and Prosper.


¡El Gato Negro! said...

"...gently, politely"

( Ho-kay, hokay... )

*Pfff!*, merr...

3:00 AM  
dr.filbert said...

And Live Longo and prospero to you too, spocko!

8:19 AM  
Anonymous said...

Thanks Spocko! Maybe we can get the Democrats to pass some legislation to reverse the monopolistic takeover of radio.

8:56 AM  
Blueberry Pick'n said...

I am so sorry you're getting heat over this.

Good for you!!

Spread Love...
... but wear the Glove!

BlueBerry Pick'n
can be found @
"Silent Freedom is Freedom Silenced"

9:40 AM  
jordan said...

I just read about you in the Chronicle. Thanks, and keep it up!

9:54 AM  
Anonymous said...

i wandered over from ptcrusier's site....nice work you are doing!! keep it up!!

11:13 AM  
mrgumby2u said...

Whether you're a hero or not, you're getting to them. This is posted at the top of the KSFO webpage

Lee Rodgers, Melanie Morgan, Officer Vic and Brian Sussman will address issues and concerns prompted by misleading information about the station on the Internet and in the mainstream media. The broadcast will air on KSFO Radio starting at 12 noon on Friday, January 12, 2007 and will continue as long as anyone has relevant questions of our hosts.
Both friends and critics of the station are invited to participate. Members of the news media and the blogging community will be encouraged to participate, as well.

Now, this could be directed at critics other than you and your supporters, but the timing suggests otherwise. What I wonder, though, given the nature of these people, is were you personally notified of this forum, or is this one of those situations where critics are invited to speak to them, though those critics are never notified of the invitation, then openly castigated on the air for failing to rise to the challenge? Kind of like the "challenge" O'Reilly issued to Jon Carrol awhile back.

11:58 AM  
Eli said...

Mmm... Hot talk...

Of course, the most effective antidote would be some Navajo cold talkers.

1:04 PM  
Anonymous said...

Thanks, Spocko, for taking on these blow hards. You inspire me to keep up the good fight.

2:00 PM  
A. Citizen said...

Thanks again for standing up to Disney/ABC and by extension all the scum of the ReichWing.

Frankly, I was horrified when I heard the mp3 clips. It never occurred to me that any American could be so vicious and vile; although having lived through the Nixon years and even been a CO during the Vietnam 'conflict' you would think I'd know better.

It's these animals of the ReichWing, paid or not, who are the worst danger to our nation. They must be exposed and then driven from the public commons.

You did the first.

We'll do the second.

2:05 PM  
Jeff said...

Right on, guy. It's not easy being that first lone voice pointing out the truth of what's going on, but I admire the effort you've made to point out that radio station's hypocrisy and crap nonetheless. I just think it's sadly ironic that they're hammering at you for posting their own words, unedited. It does kinda make sense, though; hit a conservative in the wallet, and you've made an enemy for life...

3:02 PM  
Anonymous said...

Just stopped by from the fdl link. Spocko, first I love your choice of blogger name taken I assume from the classic star trek episode wherein the brain of our favorite science officer is removed by alien honeys?

But the real reason for my visit is to say great work! I'll forward your link to friends and help spread the word.


3:57 PM  
Anonymous said...

spocko- perhaps you don't consider yourself a hero- but at the very least, you are in olbermann's league! you have proven that one person can start something and make a difference- and get a whole bunch of others connected and inspired to do something as well. hate radio is poison for the soul- and the kind of folks who engage in it- whether listeners or hosts- are empty, horrible people- and i stand by that statement. it takes no courage to get on the air like morgan and sussman and promote their poison. there is no free exchange of ideas- only their hate. while they have the right in this country at this moment to do so, we as consumers have a right to demand our manufacturers hold to certain standards. if that means that they don't sponsor programs that are hate filled propaganda machines for fear of a boycott- then that's what happens in a capitalist society.

4:28 PM  
Anonymous said...

Way to go, Spocko! You’ve pulled off a brilliant bit of jiu-jitsu against the bullying brownshirts at KSFO. You’ve got them so upset that their fight with you is now getting top billing on their web site--even over the Saddam snuff video. How vicious of you to use KSFO’s own hate rhetoric against them like that. Didn’t you understand that their references to stomping people’s guts, shocking the testicles of black men and burning hog-tied prisoners was meant in a positive way that would burnish their advertisers’ reputations? Now you’ve gone and spoiled everything, you cad.

4:29 PM  
Anonymous said...

Hi Spocko,

Just read about you in the SF Chronicle. I'm sure you have received "tons" of comments, some good and some bad. I'm one of the good ones.

After reading the article, I was reminded of all of those fundy right wing sickos who have threatened to boycott television programs and other media just because a performers bra malfunctioned. I always thought that they were "over the top".

Thank you for turning it around! These hypocrites will finally be put in their place. Kudos to you for standing up to them!

You rock!


4:31 PM  
watertiger said...

Spocko, hang in there. All the attention may be stressful, but believe me - the country thanks you for shutting these vile hatemongers down. Eventually.

4:33 PM  
Offlogic said...

Give them hell!
We worked a similar "advertiser outreach" project via "FoxBlocker" which garnered some column inches and death-threats too.
We kept hoping to get sued by newsCorp (didn't happed), but Mcdonalds did send us a C&D letter (one of our linked friends sold a MAD COW t-shirt with the famous "golden arches" logo). Go figger.

4:44 PM  
DJEB said...

"I’ve been called a hero. I’m not a hero..."

Ok, you are a quasi-hero at least.

4:54 PM  
¡El Gato Negro! said...

There ees a story about joo on FireDogLake right now.


4:55 PM  
PGLL&TS said...

You probably know this already dear Spocko but firedoglake's brilliant T-Rex has a terrific post up this afternoon exposing the grief you've had to endure. As a devoted firepup rest assured the sane blogosphere has your back.

Keep up the great work!

5:21 PM  
Zeno said...

Melanie Morgan has summoned her minions to a we-love-KSFO talkfest on Friday afternoon. I have posted her e-mail here.

5:35 PM  
Athenae said...


(Though you're giving me far too much credit.)


5:37 PM  
David said...

Peace and Long Life to you, sir.

You walk in hero's shoes, spocko. They're uncomfortable, don't fit well, and give you bunions but they're the only thing to wear when you blaze the trail for the rest of us.

David Aquarius

6:15 PM  
Anonymous said...

Sorry Spocko I'm so late to the story but you are my hero(shut up and take the praise you deserve it) I hope that you continue to do what you do and that it spreads as it is now doing. I think our stalwarts should interview people like you more and expose more of the insane rantings of the right. they do this mostly beacuse as u so aptly put it 10 years. I'll call in to Mike Malloy's show or Guy James and send them your way. I think your voice should be heard more. Lastly I sense you're like as not a big Star Trek fan; I lean more towards Stephen King but Star Trek is a great place/time/thought to be Peace. Naten

6:48 PM  
W.C. Varones said...

I like the radio show. It's entertaining and informative.

Yeah, they are outspoken and use hyperbole, but that's refreshing.

6:57 PM  
Offlogic said...

You fight the good fight, brother.
When we ran the "FoxBlocker" project a few years back we got the hate-mail, we got the death-threats, but we got some column inches too and generated several thousand emails to advertisers on Fox News.
We expected a lawsuit from NewsCorp, but the best we could do was a C&D letter from McDonalds (go figger, one of our links was to a cool "golden arches" mad cow T-shirt).
While reaching the advertiser is the key to defeating broadcast evil, don't forget the FCC, vigilantly guarding our public airwaves against obscenity and indecency. Their online complaint form is available at .
Just for giggles (and complaints remain on file a long time). Might spread that around.

6:59 PM  
Anonymous said...

Live long and prosper, Spocko.

7:19 PM  
Robert M said...

Hang in there my friend. Don't let 'em get to you. Sad to hear that about 1and1 though. I use them and I say much worse things than you.

7:29 PM  
rorschach said...

For the rest of you? Live Long and Prosper.


7:30 PM  
Rob Shreve said...

Good job Spocko. You're getting a lot of press. I just found you on Media Matters and this is the first time I've had a chance to hear about this crap from KSFO. I'll keep on reading and educating myself. Don't let the big bastards at corporate radio scare you. There's nothing they can do and they know it, that's why they are scared.

7:41 PM  
Anonymous said...

Thanks, Spocko, for exposing these bozos for what they are, not what they say they are.
After all, to them, it's all about the money, and the attention.
Sort of answers the nagging question of "Where have all the Hall Monitors" gone now that they are all grown up.

7:45 PM  
Anonymous said...

You say you are not a hero, and compared to journalists in Iraq that actually practice journalism that is true. Though what you have done and are doing has rightly garnered the respect from (this side of) the blogosphere because it is a testament to the power we can weld over those that spew hate from their microphones.

All the best to you Spocko!

8:13 PM  
Anonymous said...

Spocko needs our support

James Rowen

8:41 PM  
Dick Durata said...

You've done a really cool thing, Spocko, heartfelt congratulations.

9:05 PM  
Anonymous said...

Happily, you've been sympathetically portrayed in the Chronicle piece, and hopefully, the story will attract support for your creative responses to the excesses of "conservative" talk radio.

Great work.

10:21 PM  
Anonymous said...

Happily, you've been sympathetically portrayed in the Chronicle piece, and hopefully, the story will attract support for your creative responses to the excesses of "conservative" talk radio.

Great work.

10:26 PM  
Anonymous said...

Hi Spocko,

I just found out about your blog through Odeo website. I don't know if it has been brought up before as you don't have a search function on your blog... but these "white is right" people who own and operate traditional mass media now feel threatened by bloggers like you who have just as much (if not more) influence and power at the cost of internet access fee. These racists maybe soaring through newspapers, TV, radio airwaves but blogs like yours are like torpedoes and missiles up their asses shooting them down left, right and center, way to go! Now they're panicking and their only recourse is verbal violence against liberals in the bay area, trying to hype up other racists to use physical violence against their targets. These "right" wingers had been trying to drive out liberal San Franciscans for so long by using the call sign K"SFO" to mask themselves as the "TRUE" San Franciscans and spewing out racist propaganda through the bay area airwaves but it's just not going to work. There are too many good San Franciscans that have lived there for many many generations and their bullshit detector is advanced and well calibrated.

So let these fools waste money on traditional mass media. Let them THINK that they still have power. And let bloggers laugh behind their backs, knowing full well that the power of traditional mass media is dead in the water. Tee hee hee... Fight the power!

Thank you, Spocko.

Live Long and Prosper in San Francisco


10:53 PM  
Anonymous said...

Hi Spocko,

I just found out about your blog through Odeo website. I don't know if it has been brought up before as you don't have a search function on your blog... but these "white is right" people who own and operate traditional mass media now feel threatened by bloggers like you who have just as much (if not more) influence and power at the cost of internet access fee. These racists maybe soaring through newspapers, TV, radio airwaves but blogs like yours are like torpedoes and missiles up their asses shooting them down left, right and center, way to go! Now they're panicking and their only recourse is verbal violence against liberals in the bay area, trying to hype up other racists to use physical violence against their targets. These "right" wingers had been trying to drive out liberal San Franciscans for so long by using the call sign K"SFO" to mask themselves as the "TRUE" San Franciscans and spewing out racist propaganda through the bay area airwaves but it's just not going to work. There are too many good San Franciscans that have lived there for many many generations and their bullshit detector is advanced and well calibrated.

So let these fools waste money on traditional mass media. Let them THINK that they still have power. And let bloggers laugh behind their backs, knowing full well that the power of traditional mass media is dead in the water. Tee hee hee... Fight the power!

Thank you, Spocko.

Live Long and Prosper in San Francisco


10:54 PM  
Anonymous said...

Spocko, you are one seriously disturbed individual. I, too, enjoyed Star Trek in its day. Unlike you, however, I managed to keep a television fantasy separate from the real world. (I'll be very surprised if you post this comment in your blog. It doesn't fit with your carefully constructed alternate perception of reality.)

11:58 PM  
Anonymous said...

I gladly made a donation. I wish you all of the best. Stay strong!

12:01 AM  
Anonymous said...

I wish you well, Spocko, and I'm proud to be a fellow Eschatonian. Morgan and her ilk still don't know what hit them.

I did my small part this morning to get the word out - I hope it helps. I'm still trying to decide whether I can subject myself to the wankfest on KSFO this afternoon ...

Anyway, good luck with everything! Count me as one of your Florida supporters!

12:41 AM  
Anonymous said...

spocko - your rss feed link gives a '404 not found'.

3:59 AM  
Anonymous said...

Well done Spocko and good on everyone who joined in. Thanks not only for taking on the hatemongers of KSFO but the asshats at Disney. I'm a native San Franciscan stranded in Texas and it is good to know there are people like you "keepin it real " in Bagdad-by-the-Bay. I had no idea brian sussman was such an asshole. Didn't he have a 'adopt a pet' segment on the weather? Who knew. Thanks for exposing their true colors. My best to you.


4:17 AM  
Anonymous said...

Sheesh, what a creepy radio station. congratulations to you for taking them on!

5:54 AM  
nheidler said...

I used to listen to KSFO while commuting for some (sick) reason. I guess it kept me from falling asleep and my jaw agape; and there were plenty of times that I thought that Brian Sussman and Melanie Morgan were the dumbest people that I had ever heard on ANY major media outlet.
I just found out about what Spocko has been doing, and he deserves major props for increasing advertiser and general public awareness of the outlandish hateful rhetoric that spews from KSFO's verbal lynch mob.

Thanks for doing this, Spocko. What a testament to the power of one well intentioned person and a blog.

7:15 AM  
Anonymous said...

January 2, 2007

Low-Brow, Right-Wing, Talk Radio Has Poisoned America and the World

By Jay Diamond

As an American I Apologize to the entire world for the Cheap, Common, Lying, Fool who has pilfered and retained through trickery and LIES, the title of president of the USA.

I never thought I would say that I am ashamed of my country....but I say it now with Defiance, Anguish, and the most intense Indignation born of shame.

I am ashamed of the system of "education" which discharges blank slates of indoctrination and obedience and arrogance into the world, making it a worse place for normal human beings.

I am ashamed of the tens of thousands of goons who scream "USA, USA, USA" at the buffoon's vulgar rallies....screams that speak not to love of their country so much as HATE for all the others.

I am ashamed of "statesmen" who ate "Freedom Fries" instead of French Fries.

I am appalled and ashamed of the embarrassing Low-Brow, Right-Wing, openly Vicious ,and Utterly misleading commercial talk-radio of limbaugh, hannity and many, many local variants of the slime-fest all over America trying to steal a quick buck by lying for the interests of big business uber alles !

I am ashamed of a "culture" that fears and loathes learning as much as it celebrates ignorance, crudeness, and vulgarity.

I hope all English speaking people around the globe will eavesdrop on American commercial "talk radio"and hear with their own ears in order to fully understand what American media have come to.

The world needs to know how mercilessly and thoroughly milllions upon millions of Americans are propagandized and indoctrinated every minute of every day by the Goon Squad of corporate radio Bunko men.

Britain, and the rest of the world need to hear just how dangerous are the malicious smears and lies told to Americans by low-brow, rightist "talk radio" creeps with little knowledge of American history and culture, let alone World history and cultures.

For their own good and their very lives, the people of the planet need to comprehend how relentless is the routine of coarse, ignorant, drivel with which benighted Americans are deluged minute by minute.

I urge the English speaking people of the world people to actually LISTEN in to the low-brow, rightist commercial radio which poisoned America like a Tsunami of Polonium; turning our once proud land mean and dumb and ugly beyond recognition.

I am asking people around the world to listen to this filth and to warn their countrymen and women about it.

This "radio" of which I speak is THE reason why many in America yet defend what is palpably Indefensible to the entire civilized world.

America needs to be shamed by the spectacle of the normal people of the world hearing the ignorant and hideous jingoism and militaristic agitation that is routinely accepted as "commentary" on its cheapened and low-brow media and by what it has become as a consequence.

For the health and very life of America and everyone in the world, there finally needs to be some standard of Truth, Ethics, and Civility asserted on our media.

Jay Diamond

Authors Bio: Jay Diamond is a progressive activist, media critic, and radio commentator.

7:37 AM  
Anonymous said...

Good for you Spocko, I’m so sick of this right wing idiocy. degenerates using the mainstream media to spread their masked bigoted ideology. Kudos to Spocko. who would have thought a weather man, the lowest on the broadcasting totem pole could create such a sensation, his senseless and Un-American ranting would be the only way,I take it.

8:43 AM  
Anonymous said...

This must have been really overwhelming for you. I can only imagine how freaked out I would be in your situation. Thanks again for bringing this story to the attention of the blogosphere and the MSM, and good luck to you.

8:47 AM  
Jill said...

Hail from Georgia, Spocko!
I found your story on under the headline "Owner of Conservative SF Radio Station Trying to Sensor Blogger".
It turned my stomach, but thank you.
You are doing a good thing! Here I moved from central Calif. in '89 to central GA and thought all of the mean, prejudiced people were in the south!
Keep up the good work, and may the Force ;) protect you from Evil.
Peace, Jill

9:42 AM  
Anonymous said...

I was nudged on over here by watertiger & have made a small donation to your fund. Huzzahs to you for your excellent campaign against hate radio!

11:37 AM  
Anonymous said...

Here's my latest response to Ms. Morgan.

12:16 PM  
Carl said...

Spocko, man, I've never been prouder to be part of something than I have to be part of this. I can imagine it's been scary and will continue to be scary, but Blogtopia (© Skippy, the Bush Kangaroo) is behind you.

1:00 PM  
Anonymous said...

And, for those interested, I'm liveblogging the KSFO wankfest.

1:05 PM  
Justin said...

70 minutes in, still not a single call taken. Some conversation.

1:11 PM  
Anonymous said...

thank you very much - i've been appalled by these people for quite some time now. good for you!

1:59 PM  
Loonie said...

Is it a smear to merely repeat what someone said?

2:06 PM  
Ralph said...


2:32 PM  
Anonymous said...

Hi Spocko,

I just read your story on DU and I must say WOW. Great job at getting this info out there.

I gotta give points to KSFO for complaining about their free speech being "attacked" while at the same time slapping you with a "copyright" and a "cease and desist" letter. It's like they're practically doing the work for you by showing people what hypocrites they are!

Keep up the good work!

2:57 PM  
Anonymous said...

Hi Spocko,

I just read your story on DU and I must say WOW. Great job at getting this info out there.

I gotta give points to KSFO for complaining about their free speech being "attacked" while at the same time slapping you with a "copyright" and a "cease and desist" letter. It's like they're practically doing the work for you by showing people what hypocrites they are!

Keep up the good work!

2:58 PM  
Lex said...

Greetings from a former disc jockey and registered Republican on the other side of the country. You might only be getting 15 hits a day now, but as Corey Flood told Lloyd Dobler, "Prepare for greatness."

This is a hugely important issue, and you are absolutely right to ride them on it like the family mule. History suggests that once a culture becomes inured to eliminationist rhetoric, violence soon follows. You don't have to be a Democrat to be bothered by that.

Good luck.

4:57 PM  
Daithí said...

Great work, Spocko!

I offer the following suggestion...


7:06 PM  
Anonymous said...

This is my second take on this, Spocko. I was put onto the scent of this by another SF Bay area blogger Generik of the Generik Brand.

In a way, you are a hero. A hero, to me, is someone who singlehandedly makes a difference, which you have done. To get two or three major corporate sponsors to pull their contracts from this nest of right wing vipers, with no money and no influence to speak of, is something of a miracle of heroic proportions.

Slowly but surely, people like you are changing the way these cocksuckers do business and they're now getting an inkling that the free lunch and air of impunity with which they've been conducting their "business" is drawing to a close. Frankly, I'd be a lot more radical about it if I was doing this: I'd mention the "B" word (boycott), since that's the only language most of these corporate entities understand. It's worked before and it will always work.

But your way is also proving to be efficacious, so I have your back, as do many of your liberal blogging brothers and sisters.

8:40 PM  
Ripley said...

It didn't go well for them, my friend. Not well at all...

Don't let them get to you, mijo!

9:33 PM  
Anonymous said...

Well done. [Applause]. I guess one person can make a difference.

10:17 PM  
geor3ge said...

Here's a little something for your tip jar. Fight the good fight, mein Freunde.

10:38 PM  
Marion Delgado said...

Someone on a show needs to say something like, I'm surprised people like Ann Coulter, who advocated assassinating president Clinton, and Melanie, who advocated assassinating the Speaker of the House of Representatives, are throwing around death threats so casually.

Hasn't it occurred to you there may be people out there who feel they still haven't "evened the score" for ALAN BERG??

O'Reilly's made vague, veiled death threats against Franken. Have some of these KSFO wingnuts made death threats against other hosts? or only against racial groups and suspects?

I just think if done correctly mentioning Alan Berg might unsettle them a little. Express concern. If they ask who alan berg was, that's a great opportunity.

Killed by someone exactly like their target audience.

1:55 AM  
Marion Delgado said...

Someone on a show needs to say something like, I'm surprised people like Ann Coulter, who advocated assassinating president Clinton, and Melanie, who advocated assassinating the Speaker of the House of Representatives, are throwing around death threats so casually.

Hasn't it occurred to you there may be people out there who feel they still haven't "evened the score" for ALAN BERG??

O'Reilly's made vague, veiled death threats against Franken. Have some of these KSFO wingnuts made death threats against other hosts? or only against racial groups and suspects?

I just think if done correctly mentioning Alan Berg might unsettle them a little. Express concern. If they ask who alan berg was, that's a great opportunity.

Killed by someone exactly like their target audience.

1:56 AM  
bacci40 said...


they attempted to demean you by talking about the fact that you use a character from star trek as a nom de plume

now they have done it

there are a world of trekkies out there who will descend upon them with the wrath of khan

live long and prosper

3:41 AM  
¡El Gato Negro! said...

Joo are een their basé, roxxorrring on their doodz.


4:11 AM  
Anonymous said...


I sent a email to you regarding what you bravely did and just how much it's much so that I am now starting a letter writing campagin to not only those who support KSFO, but the political individuals who make up the's about time that the republicanazi of the airwaves get their feet held over the fire for their hatred and biggotry, and I for one am glad that you brought it to the forefront.

5:56 AM  
I.Manumit said...

you are a hero. i cite you as an
example of what can be done in my
forthcoming book,"mixing it up-
taking on the media bullies." i want
to build an underclass army of bloggers who will challenge the hate
and contempt that's been coming down
on them since reagan from think tanks
and opeds written by bullies like
bennett brooks buckley,etc..

8:11 AM  
W.C. Varones said...

Wow. You delete comments that civilly and reasonably offer a different point of view.

How tolerant, open-minded, and liberal of you.

9:12 AM  
Anonymous said...

Freaking Hutu Power Radio, in the heart of San Francisco. Great. Thanks Spocko - you might disown the hero label, but accept the "inspiration" one. Score another point for the Blogosphere. I'm ready to take on Disney Incarnate if this station is not altered - how do you think KSFO's existence might sit with the parents and kids who sustain their fluffy little theme parks ??!?!

10:43 AM  
Anonymous said...

Spock-O ..... I don't have much, so I'll give what I got. {It ain't much} If fact it's just a better beggars cup, but you're welcome to it if you want it.


Colorado Bob

11:17 AM  
Howl SGPG said...

Read about your blog in the Chron'. Keep it up, I think you're doing a good thing!

12:25 PM  
Anonymous said...

I listen to the Lee Rodgers and Melanie Morgan show every morning while driving to work. I listen to Brian Sussman driving home at night. You have greatly misrepresented who these people are, what they believe and what they have said.

Of course, since the Leftist philosophy cannot compete in the real world of ideas, it must undermine its opposition with falsehood and misrepresentation.

If Spocko ever comes out from under his rock and debates conservatives one on one, he will get his ass handed to him.

9:20 AM  

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