Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Why is KSFO subsidising Brian Sussman?

Okay so now the eighth NATIONAL ADVERTISER will be pulling their ads from the Brian Sussman show. In fact they were so annoyed that Sussman wasn't reprimanded that they are pulling all ads from KSFO! So I guess their strategy of having him on the morning show "filling in" for Lee Rogers as a way to keep him in check hasn't really worked. Congrats to Spocko's Brain Surgeon James Madison for educating this advertiser.

It appears that right wing radio is terribly forgiving, big name advertiser after big name advertiser drops out but the host keeps going, he even gets MORE air time. I guess it is like the Bush Republicans, you get rewarded for failing. Maybe he will get a Freedom medal for losing such stellar advertisers as:
Borders Books
Mercedes Benz
American Express
History Channel

And now another national advertiser pulls their ads. (I'll tell you tomorrow, I don't want to spoil the surprise for the KSFO team. I want them to hear it from the horses mouth.)

I guess it is kind of admirable that KSFO keep backing him up and forcing the sales team to scramble for new advertisers in lower and lower tiers. The poor sales reps have to call Herbal Viagra makers and say "You can send spam or advertise on the Sussman show!" Must suck to be them.

To do the obvious comparison, do you suppose that anyone who lost all these advertisers would be kept on if they weren't a right wing talker? I thought the conservatives believed in the invisible hand of the market. But we know that's not true, they believe in throwing money at right wing pundits to push their agenda since they know that they will get it back in the back end on juicy contracts.


PTCruiser said...

It kind of makes me wonder where the REAL funding is behind this show, since it obviously doesn't come from ad dollars. I can't imagine the station itself could afford to run a free show every weeknight for two hours. Maybe a larger outside corporate or even private entity? Just throwing theories out there. I don't know.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous said...

all the ads are back, take a listen

7:27 PM  
PTCruiser said...

I have been listening and the only ad I've heard is the Toyota ad.

6:14 AM  

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