Saturday, January 21, 2006

Mad Cow ReDucks: Japan Pulls US Beef Out of Shelves

Two American cows are standing in a pasture.

One says to the other, "Whattaya think about this Mad Cow thing? We could have it already, and never know. Pretty scary stuff, eh?"

The other cow replies, "It doesn't affect me -- I'm a helicopter!"
Antifa 01.21.06 - 5:00 am #


So was going to do a post on this when japan had their arm twisted to take American beef again WITH OUT TESTING ALL THE BEEF LIKE THEY WANTED. But I was afraid that I would be sued in Texas, like Oprah, for defaming the beef industry. I'm not kidding. That law is still on the books in Texas.

There was a beef processing plant, Creekstone Farms Premium Beef LLC in Arkansas City, Kansas that said, "Hell yeah, we'll test all our beef so we can sell in to Japan. We want their money and we'll comply with their testing requirements." (Link) But the Beef Industry and the USDA said NO. That's right they said, DON'T test all your beef, just walk away from the money. "You can't do that because if YOU test all the beef then EVERYONE will have to and that might cut into all of our profit margins! Besides it is really not necessary. We test 20 percent of the fallen beef and it should be fine."

Well now it appears that the cows have come home to roost!

The funny thing is that there is so many cover ups and deceptions going on to avoid another case of mad cow being revealed that we won't know about until people start dying of it, and it will take 10 years.

The good news? The actual number of people who will die will be small. But of course if it is your Dad who died who didn't have to because of the cover up, head should roll (or maybe not, they do have good lawyers and lots of money.)
Remember, it is the cover up that gets you.

One other thing. The story never mentioned if ALL the beef was tested. I think that is a major over sight.

Check out this quote:
Japan imported about $1.4 billion worth of U.S. beef in 2003. It was unclear how much the country bought after lifting the ban, but a Kyodo News survey last month showed 75 percent of Japanese were unwilling to eat American beef even if imports resumed.

Criticism was also directed at Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's government for too hastily resuming imports.

"The government bowed to U.S. pressure and put President Bush's wishes ahead of the safety of Japanese consumers. I consider that a huge error of judgment," said Yukio Hatoyama, secretary-general of the main opposition Democratic Party of Japan.

Koizumi ordered the resumption of imports based on recommendations made by an expert panel after several U.S. officials, including Bush, expressed growing impatience with the ban.

The premier has defended the decision, saying it was based on scientific grounds.
What grounds? 100 percent testing or 20%.
I would think for the 1.4 billion in revenue the beef ranchers would be willing to do 100 percent testing. Now they will get ZERO revenue. Not a very good business move. Remember our friends at Creekstone?

They said the USDA decision is costing Creekstone Farms a minimum of
$200,000 a day in lost revenues, and put the agency on notice that the company
will "continue to track this loss on a daily basis to determine damages."

You would think someone from Texas would know better how to keep the beef industry going, what a surprise that his deal with Japan turned to shit because the lobbyists and not the scientists were in charge of this deal.


JustinOther said...

Now you have your 20, and not because of the joke...

Can I interest you in a USDA quality steak?

2:31 AM  
coho said...

Hiya, Spocko!
At the Nation-State level: This isn't about beef at all. This is about one nation exerting (economic) force on another. Ten times as many cases of BSE in Japan than in the US, and they don't want the US beef? What Japan really wants is to not be the Little Buddy to our bloated and bossy Skipper.

At the Citizen-Consumer level: BSE is extremely rare. News reports about BSE are daily, however, and humans are quick to let a 90 second news story about something that happened far away change not only their perception of wherever-the-story-was, but their own day to day routines and buying habits.

[Full Disclosure: I've been using Australian beef in my restaurant for several years. I swear it's for flavor reasons.]

10:41 AM  

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